CBD is hot right now. Do you buy in to all the claims about CBD? I certainly hope not. Not that CBD doesn’t have some great benefits, because it does. The fact is there are a lot of pretty lucrative claims out there from people using CBD to clean up acne to even curing cancer. I’m not here to tell you about how CBD will make you drop 15 pounds and make your age lines disappear. I simply want to show you some of the best CBD oils and products I’ve been used recently and how I’ve been able to benefit from them.
A quick intro for those new to CBD and have no idea what it is, the long name for CBD cannabidol. CBD is a non psychoactive substance closely related to THC and is also present in marijuana. Both CBD and THC have medical benefits and I think they really compliment each other. THC with many physical benefits and CBD with great mental benefits.
1. Diamond CBD Oils
Diamond has a pretty good selection of oils, I’ve made my last couple purchases from there and they seem to have a selection of a wide variety of oils and products with pure CBD. I personally like to go for the Unflavored CBD Oil if I’m going pure CBD. I’ll either put it in my coffee or a protein shake, you can really take it any way you prefer. I’ve used this for two things, I take this when I smoke weed to make sure I get a relaxing high. See my post here about why its a good idea to take CBD when smoking.
I’ve also taken this CBD oil for sleep. I’ve taken about 10mg an hour or two before bed and I’ve found falling asleep to be a breeze. I know there are other people who use CBD for all kinds of things like pain and anxiety relief. I can’t speak to pain relief, but pure CBD is also fantastic for anxiety. The mental benefits of CBD trump the physical ones in my opinion, but do whatever works for you. CBD affects different people different ways (as does anything).
For the sake of transparency and full disclosure the diamond links are affiliate links (meaning I make commission off of these links). I also want to take some time to call out the importance of sleep. I’m currently reading Why We Sleep by Dr. Matthew Walker and it has scared me straight. Sleeping is one of the most important things we can do for our body YouTube search Matthew Walker for some good talks about sleep. Ok back to CBD.
2. Ritual Drops

Here’s where the party starts. Ritual sells CBD oils with THC if you live in a legal state and are looking for a little more of a good time. They have CBD:THC ratios of 1:1, 20:1, and 1:4 (more THC than CBD). For relaxation and pain I like the 1:1. This one is also my absolute favorite for hangovers. I cannot recommend these enough for your hangover. If you want to go from hating your life to enjoying the ride in 45 minutes then take these the morning after. Sometimes I’ll even use these for recreation on their own. For a nice mild buzz these are great. Take a dropper full and go out for a hike, out to eat, or even just to walk around on a nice day.
Unfortunately they aren’t sold directly online, but you can find them on Eaze for delivery or in your local dispensary.
3. Plus Gummies (not an oil I know)

I love Plus Gummies. Most of the gummies they sell are THC heavy their Coconut & Pineapple CBD Gummies are a great treat. These I use to help me relax or calm down if I’m a little on edge. Sometimes my introverted battery will be drained and I still need to meet up with friends so these will help take the edge off and help me relax. Plus the taste is fantastic, if they sold these as candies at the gas station I’d definitely pick some up to snack on.